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Let's post our Londinium pictures



  • James Springfield post=328 wrote: I get a lot of air bubbles using the naked handle, is this common?

    If i lift the cup they go away though

    I have the same, also on the Rocket, more of less depending on the flow rate. If I look for a good looking visual pattern I play with the cup hight, sometimes a cup upside down to put my cup on.

    No effect on taste at all of course, just looks.
  • There is no overextraction there I'd say. Lots of flecking which is a good thing - especially when you view the photos from above the cup. When you see dark rings around the circumference of the shot then you know you are in for a rough swig!!
  • Here is mine. A humble but very appreciative home for it.

    I've had it for 2 days, and pulled about 20 shots so far. I'm very pleased with it, and the rest of my setup!

    Before this I had a La Pavoni Pro / Rocky for 4 years, so the L1 / M4 is a serious upgrade! My time with La Pavoni was not wasted, however, and I was able to get dialed in on the L1 within a few shots. I won't dwell on the differences, mostly because the two are almost incomparable, but I will say that the L1 has a much more powerful steamer! 150g of milk goes in under 15 seconds (but with practice, that shouldn't stop you from producing perfect microfoam).

  • a long way from perfect in terms of even extraction right across the face of the bottom of the basket - a bit of a donut extraction, but tasted very good nonetheless

    the video below is of the shot that appears in the still image below

    dose was 18.3g of Kenyan, which is improved even further at a lighter roast than we started with


    [video width=480 height=360 type=youtube]QiCDKyuplfA
  • Nice looking shots guys! I especially like the toast rack in the backhround of your pic Reiss. Takes me back to my vist to Scotland. I've never seen a toast rack used in Canada.... I'd love to pick one up so I'm not relegated to sweaty soggy toast in the morning. :ohmy:

  • image

    (once uploaded the picture seems less warm in color than the original does on my laptop, but let's not worry about that)
  • No cups at my new place yet but this cappuccino was delicious.


    I've been trying to work with 18grams, and adjust only the other things.


    I'm aiming for 26 grams of coffee, but blonding and timing usually take precedence.


    This is a shot I made before dialing in. It came out too fast, and maybe the group head wasn't hot enough yet.


    This is the next shot I made, one notch finer on the grind. I got distracted trying to take a picture of the extraction, and hence the blond streaks. Otherwise it's quite nice.

  • Here are a few pictures from today


  • And a couple of the making process




  • image

    15.8g of Sumatran Honey Processed s795
  • The colour on that sumatran honey is amazing. How does it taste and where can order it in the UK?

    (also, I successfully added my pictures on the previous page. go see!)
  • Alejandro Erickson post=369 wrote: The colour on that sumatran honey is amazing. How does it taste and where can order it in the UK?

    (also, I successfully added my pictures on the previous page. go see!)

    It's an aussie roaster,, its not my favourite though, they describe it as tasting of gummy bears, and though i dont quite get that, it does have a weird sweet taste.

    My favourite so far is this one.

    And i love the londinium malawi panwamba AA

    I think your on to something with the cap in a jar, all the cafes around here are doing that with cocktails and ice teas etc now, you just need to give it a catchy name and trademark it. :woohoo:
  • I have an urge to post this other one. I have to pass the time between coffees somehow!
    (clicky for full size version)

    [img size=640][/img]
  • Oh yeah, that's the stuff!
  • Alejandro! WOW! The initial photo is very good, but the Flickr feed is amazing. If you are not a professional photographer you should be one!! Outstanding. I have been to a few of those places and your patience in capturing the shots is excellent. Kudos!

  • Alejandro,

    Nice photos indeed! And its also nice to see a photo of the most recent LI production variant!
  • I certainly am not a videographer but the idea comes through OK, I think B). It is 14.4g dose of Guatemalan Huehuetenango ,roasted to FC+ , in a 15g VST Ridgeless Basket and the VST Basket produces some nice dry pucks.


  • Nice bit of latte art there Patrick!
  • Used 17g Kenya Kirimahiga AA beans, roasted by Londinium ;-)

  • Frans Goddijn post=411 wrote: Used 17g Kenya Kirimahiga AA beans, roasted by Londinium ;-)


    Yummy, mine arrives tomorrow
  • James Springfield post=412 wrote: Yummy, mine arrives tomorrow

    You will love it!

  • Loving all the great photos, I have had lots of fun with L1 for nearly a year now, cannot believe where the time goes. I'm interested to know how much longer people's shots continue to run after blonding?

    If my shot is blonding way before the 27 sec mark, do I need to grinder finer??

    I feel like I should have figured this out by now,
  • You can certainly grind finer and/or add more to the dose. What basket are you using and how much is your dose? What is your grinder too? And finally, how fresh is your coffee? Less fresh coffee will bring forward blonding.

    Dont be scared with a bit of blonding. People can get quite exorcised about it but its impact on taste is quite small. But if it blondes "way" before as you say then try some of the variables above.
  • Hi Gino

    Thanks for your reply, I'm using the standard L1 double basket with 16g dose using the Pharos hand grinder. The coffee a good month old so I guess that's not helping. I need some fresh coffee. :-)
  • Ok Matt. Nothing wrong with the dose (at face value) or the basket. And certainly nothing wrong with the Pharos once you have her dialled in (which I know is a slight faff - well at least I found it so).

    I would say the coffee is getting long in the tooth, although not ridiculously so. My response when using less fresh coffee (assuming it had been properly dialled in when it was fresh) is to increase the dose a bit, not grind finer.

    Let us know how you get on
  • Home roasted Ethiopia Limu2 this time:

  • Are you home roasting in UK? I need a roaster.
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