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L2 steam wand on L1

I am marvelling at the new wand I have on my L1! My dilemma was thus, I have recently purchased some fab new milk jugs, however the design of them although amazing for latte art, was causing some issues in achieving perfectly steamed milk.


The tall one is a 600 ml perfect milk pitcher, the shorter one on the right the 300 ml variant, the other is a 500 motta.

The issue I was having was that when using the larger pitcher the original l1 wand was not plunging deep enough into the pitcher to achieve perfect incorporation. I was limited to only using the smaller jug and steaming twice for multiple drinks ( which I invariably do) until Reiss presented the perfect solution. Introducing the L2 steam wand......


Now although not ideal for everyone as you have to use it to the side of the machine, this wand is perfect for using my taller jug, 2 inches longer than the standard L1 wand it plunges almost to the base of the pitcher.



Now I am a happy bunny again, L2 wand, 4 x 1 mm tip ( bar far the best ) and fab milk again.....

Not my best art, however super yummy milk....

Attached files



  • Thanks for showing the differences so perfectly with the great photos :)

    I use that middle pitcher you have and never tried a tall one. Good thing I didn't!
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