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To attach, or not to attach? A portafilter question


I've really been enjoying our LR for the past 9 months, or so. To avoid having any downtime I was considering ordering the service kit so I have it on hand when it is eventually needed. While I was checking out the service kit I realized that I have been doing something that is not recommended, which is to say that I am in the habit of leaving the portafilter attached to the group when I am finished pulling shots each morning. Mind you, it is not attached with any force to speak of.

Keep the portafilter attached to the group when the machine is on, but be sure to remove the portafilter from the group when the machine is off. This gives the portafilter seal a chance to return to its original uncompressed state, ensuring it lasts longer

So, my question is if you have the LR on a timer, which I do, should the portafilter be attached while it is heating up in the morning or do you introduce it only when you go to pull your first shot? I'm thinking I could leave it off after I am through pulling shots in the morning and then attach it at night so it is ready to go when the timer goes off in the morning. Maybe this isn't a big deal but I thought it couldn't hurt to ask. Thank you.


  • hi terry

    if it is only lightly on the group it will be fine

    kind regards

  • And if you have the machine on during daylight hours, is it best to have the portafilter on loosely or at shot ready rightness?

  • Hi Matt

    Always on loosely, never cranked hard

    Kind regards

  • Thanks, Reiss. That explains why I've had to replace them every six months or so when they started leaking.
    Best wishes,
  • Thank you very much, Reiss. My habit is to mount the portafilter, turn until I meet resistance, and then back off a hair. So, I feel it is definitely loosely mounted while not in use. It also appears that my question may have helped clarify this for another owner, which is always a good thing.
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