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Londinium R Close to Cologne Germany
I am interested in a Londinium but would like to see the machine "in person".
Would there be any in a reachable distance to Cologne . I would appreciate your feedback
I am interested in a Londinium but would like to see the machine "in person".
Would there be any in a reachable distance to Cologne . I would appreciate your feedback
thanks for the invitation. I am doing quiet a bit of competitive sailing close to Amsterdam between march an june, so that would be an easy option but I also might come to Amsterdam before as i like the city a lot. So if you would pm me your contact information that would be great.
thanks a lot
That's nice of you Frans, if I were near I would take you up on that offer.
I've meanwhile sent you the address info in a PM to the engstfeld-mail account. See you in the spring!