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regular maintenence
I noticed that when I placed a machine into my cart, that 3 other items automatically populated along with it. The distribution tool, the funnel, and some graphite lubricant. I understand the tools, but seeing the graphite makes me think that I'll have to take the machine apart on a regular basis and do "upkeep" on the spring. Is that accurate? If so, how often must this be done? Are there other things besides lubing the spring? Another question that has me curious, since I've never owned a lever, how do you perform backflushing?
the silicone grease is to ensure you have some if the piston needs a little extra when it is delivered, prior to you mounting it on the bottom half of the group
no back flushing on any lever group as the delivery of the water through the puck is not pump driven so no hydraulic pull back when the pump shuts off