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Looking for any help with my L1

Hi all,

I bought my Londinium last year and was having troubles getting a good shot pulled and was planning on posting here looking for assistance but ended up moving. My house was under renovatrions for months so I didn't get my L1 set up again until this weekend. So I'm back in business but still having issues getting a good shot pulled.

About me: This is my first espresso machine, I have a lot to learn and am basing most of my measurements from videos and forums. My issue currently is that after pulling down the lever and leaving for 10 seconds or so of infusion, the lever will catch for about a second before jumping up to a near vertical position to finish the extraction. It doesn't seem to matter if I grind coarser/finer, or tamp harder/lighter I seem to get the same results. I've been filling the standard Londinium portafilter/basket with between 16g–19g of beans and getting the same sorts of results and I'm not sure if there are calibrations needed to the machine, or myself. I've got a video below to better show my procedure, it's a bit rough as I had to do it all one handed, but it should be a good starting point. I appreciate any advice, I can post pictures or videos for any follow-up questions.


  • hi terence

    firstly, thank you for assembling such a comprehensive video; it certainly makes diagnosis a lot easier

    i see that you purchased your machine in july last year so your machine will not have the high performance piston seals and your video nicely demonstrates why we had to produce them

    i will DHL you a set of our high performance piston seals and a group seal - there is a step by step video in the permanent file which shows you exactly how the fit the piston seals

    as an aside i am recommending that anyone who uses an espresso machine could dramatically improve the consistency and quality of their results with the new londinium distribution tool

    please confirm that you would like me to send the seals to the same address that we sent your machine july 2016

    kind regards

  • Thanks for the message, Reiss!
    I've pm'd you.
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