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Which Grinder?

Hi, I just purchased the LR machine. I pull about 3 to 4 doubles every morning. I like to grind as I go.

I'm trying to decide between the Compak E8, Mahlkonig K30, Baratza Vario.

I know the B Vario is much cheaper and not going to hold up as long as the others but I don't really care. I care more about the flavor. Biggest negative to me about the B Vario is it is ugly.

I really like the way the K30 works in the videos I've seen but it's just SO big.

Seems like I'm completely talking myself into the E8 :)


  • I had the Vario Home. Devised clips to keep the levers from running off on a different setting. Then when the grinds suddenly got bad I assumed I needed new burrs. These were rather expensive but did not help at all so I gave it all away.

    Before getting the massive K30 try out how much retention it has. Quite a lot so any change in setting requires you to dump a good portion of grinds, also after some idle time. It's better for busy cafe's where it's always churning out fresh grinds.

    I am happy with my E8 ;-)
  • Thanks for your input. Is there a place you know of i can buy the E8 with only the short hopper?

  • Thanks, I just bought the E8 with the short hopper.
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