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No steam

i just turned on the L1 after 3 weeks away and no steam coming out of the steamer nozzle , everything else is just fine
any recommendation


  • No32 post=13045 wrote: everything else is just fine

    Can you be more specific? For instance, how old is the machine, how long have you personaly had it, what water filter system have you used, what water is going into it, how you serviced the machine, what boiler pressure you have set it to, have you cleaned the steam wand, if so how exactly, how many holes has the steam tip, have you soaked it in the special cleaner, et cetera?

    I believe it's a fair habit for everyone to use their real actual name on the forum, no anonymous 'nickname' identities. Is there a special reason you do differently?
  • Wow, that was it, steam head is clogged Thanks You very much Frans

    I own L1 for about 5 years, i service it myself and unfortunately, unlike most of you guys over here I'm not very good at it.
    the L1 connected to omnivore water filter and softener. Bar is about 1.3.

    BTW, id love to find someone close by to assist me with servicing the machine

    Many Thx
    Portland Oregon, USA
  • I'm a few hours away in Silverdale, WA but would be happy to assist (remotely) if things come up. Send me an email if you would like to be in touch is fun to know other Londinium owners in the Pacific NW.

    Gary Dahl
    [email protected]
  • And I am in NorCal
  • oh thank you , I'm actually planning to be no to far from you next month, we should have some espressos together
  • where in n Carolina ?
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