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Do You Leave Your Londinium On All Of The Time?

I have received my new Londinium R but unfortunately I can't set it up until I move into my new house in two weeks. I am coming from a La Spaziale S1 Vivaldi that was plumbed in and remained on all day, every day. We used it that way as it became just as popular with the family for the hot water faucet as it was for its espresso based drinks.

I have emailed Reiss and he has responded, which made me think of more questions at which point I remembered that he asked us to post questions in the forum so others can respond and share their experience. So, with that in mind... here is the brief conversation between Reiss and I:

Can I leave the machine on all of the time? We fell into that habit with our La Spaziale as it stayed at a nice stable temperature and was always available for producing an espresso or hot water for tea. My new machine isn't a plumbed in model, but I can make sure that I get everyone to ensure that the water is topped up. I really prefer not to use a timer as we are putting it into our new house in two weeks and it has a beautiful kitchen, without any place to hide a timer.

Thank you,


hi don

nothing bad will happen but it is definitely wearing the machine at a faster rate - seals for example fail because of heat rather than going up & down/being used, and the same with the heating element, etc

personally i have my machine on a timer from 5am to 10pm, but its very much your call.

kind regards



  • I am actually switching my machine off at 2pm, since I'm not drinking coffee thereafter.

    As soon as I am in for a hot beverage, I switch my machine on and 10 minutes later there is enough pressure for steaming with my Londinium R. For example a hot apple juice with cinnamon or steaming a hot milk + foam and later adding honey. Milk is also being used for making a hot chocolate.

    Probably soon there will appear more information(/inspiration) on alternative drinks besides coffee.

    The Londinium R is the center for brewing hot delicious drink; not just coffee or tapping hot water for a tea. :)
    IMHO, it doesn't make sense to let the machine on all time after 2pm; the boiler just needs 10 minutes heating for other drinks and I just switch it on and off for brewing.

  • nice post. fresh ideas.
  • Thank you for replying Ernst. I have gotten my family used to using the machine after dinner for tea or steamed milk or whatever they prefer. They have even used it for instant chicken noodle soup when they aren't feeling well. As we are all on different schedules, I will go with a similar schedule to what Reiss has suggested. I quite like that they are using the machine as it feels like it isn't just a machine for my cappuccinos : )

    Here is the timer that Reiss recommended to me. It looks good for those of us that live in North America:

    I think this may be the current (newer) model;

    I'd check the Wemo website first. The critical thing is that it is rated to greater than 1400W (for North America), by as much as possible to give you a margin of safety.

    I have ordered one and it will be here on Monday or Tuesday. That will be before moving into the new house, which is perfect.
  • @Don

    User-cases are different off-course. Although it came to my attention that lots of people are drinking coffee (even until late in the evening), because they want something hot and do not know anything else to make then coffee or tea.
    I quite like that they are using the machine as it feels like it isn't just a machine for my cappuccinos : )
    Many years ago, I stumbled upon a quote (the author is currently unknown to me):
    "A product is not worth what you decide to pay for it, but what it actually does for you."
    Keeping that in mind, it appears to me that in your family scenario the Londinium deserves it's place. :)
  • I've tested a different WeMo module...

    WeMo Insight Switch Smart Plug, Wi-Fi, Energy Monitoring, Works with Amazon Alexa

    And it worked fine with my Izzo, which is about the same power draw as the US L-R mainly because I got one at 50% off as an Amazon special. I've since moved it to a lamp because I wanted a module for the Izzo that would work with my Smartthings hub. WeMo is Wifi, Smartthings is Z-wave.

    So, O am currently using a GE outdoor module that was just laying around after taking the Christmas decorations down :). The advantage to using a module compatible with Smartthings is having all things (except that WeMo) controlled by one app, and I use an open source rules engine called CoRE (Communitt owned Rules Engine) to allow me more programmability. Right now this is my Izzo schedule...

    M-F - On at 5am, off at 11am, but on a lot of days I turn it off manually ("Alexa... Turn off Espresso B)) If I have a full agend (I work from home)
    Every other Saturday, Same as M-F (My daughter works on these days and is up at 6. When she is up, it wakes me up)
    Opposite Saturdays - On at 7am, off at 11am
    Sunday - On at 7., off at noon

    I also have it setup using my iPhone as a presence sensor so it only goes on if I am in the house. That way when I travel I don't have to change the schedule.
  • the presence sensor bit is very clever indeed!
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