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L2 Trouble Shooting Help Please

Our coffee shop has been up and running for a year now and have just now ran into our first issue with the L2. We turned it on and realized there was an electrical problem. We do have an owners manual but no service manual so I am unable to identify the parts to clarify or order. It looks as though the blue wire traveling into the reset switch box melted. I am not sure if this has to do with our Buck and Boost Transformer or the actual machine itself. In any case, I would appreciate help with this as we are unable to serve espresso in our Cafe at this time. I will add a photo to this as well.


  • Hi Beau

    My recommendation is you call a certified electrician

    It is very difficult for me to determine much from the images above and whenever an electrical issue of this kind arises I think a certified electrician must be called

    The electrician will be able to tell you what has occurred and what parts need to be replaced

    It is at that point we can help: we can get the parts to you very quickly

    Let me know; I am available through the weekend if you need to ask further questions

    Kind regards

  • this email from Beau in response to my post above:

    Thank you Reiss. I actually had an espresso repairman come by and look at it. It was an easy fix. A connection had loosened over time and shorted out. Simply put, we are back in business. Cheers.

    Sent from my iPhone
  • Thanks for the prompt response Reiss. As you posted/pasted above, the issue was pretty simple. Also, the repairman has the reputation of being one of the best in our area (Kansas City, MO). He explained that he has worked on dozens of lever machines over the 30+ years he's been in business. He also stated that the L2 was the best he'd ever seen. He went on and on about the site glass and other aspects of the L2 that he felt were extra mile type philosophy when it comes to building machines. Not that I doubted it, but it was nice to hear the positive review of my machine. Cheers.
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