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27g/27s Question

quick clarification on this....

does the 27s start counting from the moment pre-infusion ends or from the moment the first drops hit the cup?

for example, i may end pre-infusion after 8 seconds, but the first drop may not hit the cup until 17s (if we are counting from 0, the moment the lever comes down).


  • Using the Acaia Lunar scale, the count starts when the first drops have hit the cup and the flow has actually started into the cup.

    If after 8 seconds you raise the lever and it still takes 9 extra seconds before the first drops come out of your coffee puck, that means that your pre-infusion was 17 seconds. If the shot tastes wonderful, no problem. Is the dark spots are *very* dark and a bitter taste is dominant, you can for instance grind a tad coarser, or tamp a little less hard, or make sure your dose weight is correct.
  • ok, got it! that makes sense.
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