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Water dripping as machine warms up

I apologize if this has been asked and answered before. I have read a lot of posts but have not seen this mentioned.

Sometimes, but not always, as the machine is warming up, about 15 to 30 ml of water drips from the piston through the empty portafilter. It stops after a few minutes. I'm wondering if this is normal or if it is a symptom of a developing problem.



  • remove portafilter. does the bare group drip?
  • Reiss, thank you for your prompt reply. Water drips very slowly from the shower screen with the portafilter removed. It starts when pressure begins building and then slows to a stop a few minutes after the heat begins cycling and the group is hot to the touch. Rather than 15 to 30, I think it is more like 5ml, other than one time when it seemed like a lot more. I'm not really worried about it but thought I should ask if it is considered normal or if I need to do anything if it gets worse. I have a spare set of piston gaskets on hand if needed.

  • happily, because the machine is so simple, there is only one possible cause really and that is the middle piston seal

    your machine shipped with the high performance seals installed didnt it?

    if its bothering you pull the group top and inspect the middle seal - it can't be much if it seals once the system pressurises - if it was nicked or torn i would expect it to get a lot worse when the system pressurised

    perhaps put a sniff of loxeal no.4 around the perimeter of the middle seal and carefully refit, rolling the group top in as described in the instructions

    let us know how you get on

  • Reiss, thank you for the suggestion. I will give it a try.

  • I removed the piston, wiped off the OD of the seals, visually inspected them (they looked fine), lubricated them lightly, and reinstalled the piston. There is no change in the water drip.

    If water dripping while the group is warming up is not that unusual, I can live with it, but if it absolutely should not be doing that then should I go ahead and replace the seals with new ones?

  • If it's definitely leaking with PF off - i.e. bare shower screen, then the middle seal will need to be changed

    You def have the middle seal open side up?
  • The seal orientation is/was correct. I replaced the seals and so far so good with no drips. I will be ordering a spare set.

  • good, excellent.
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