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Installing the new pump in the L1

I have successfully installed the new pump in my L1. To do this, I followed the excellent instructions by Pete Redrup in the Permanent File. I have however a few hints to add to his post and as the Permanent File does not allow replies, I thought I would put them here.

1. You need a 14mm spanner to undo the braided hose.

2. To avoid water getting everywhere, you need to empty the water tank before you pull out the hose that leads from it into the pump. (I learned this the hard way!)

3. After installation, it is necessary to stretch the hole in the water feed side of the rubber cradle on to a groove in the axle. At first I found the rubber resistant to stretching, but I solved the problem by putting a touch of Loxeal on the axle and heating the rubber briefly with a hair dryer. After that, it popped right into position.



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