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Fellow L1 Owners - What is considered 'normal' shot volume?

I've been a proud L1 owner for almost two months now and experienced the machine pre-custom seals and post custom seals.

I'm also rotating between using the Mahlkonig Peak and Monolith Flat grinders.

I'm dialing in for shots that yield aprox 30 grams in 30 seconds of extraction. I'm also pre-infusing for 10 to 15 seconds (so total extraction time is around 45 to 50 seconds).

What I've found is as follows, but super curious to know what others experience:

Darker roasts tend to soak up more liquid and consequently have less liquid volume.
Lighter roasts have the opposite effect.

For example, Blue Bottle Hayes Valley blend, which is on the darker side yields just around 43 grams.
Stumptown Hairbender (lighter than Hayes Valley) is closer to 47 grams
and Sweatleaf's slapshot blend (local NYC roaster, super light and very fine grind) is hitting 50+grams.

I also notice that shots on the Monolith typically produce about a gram or two less than the Peak (and lever catches a little higher), but I have no idea why.

Interested to hear what kind of results everybody else is getting?
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