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L1 Electrical Issue? PSTAT Sticking

Hope everyone is doing well. I've been the proud owner and user the L1 V1, and it has provided me with many years of enjoyment.

I'm having an issue, which I think it is electrical. Look at the attached pictures, you can see some burned areas on the GICAR controller, and electrical connections.

I noticed the burned area a while ago (after a loud pop), and the plastic plug with some burned areas, but there was no issues.

However, yesterday the pstat is 'sticked' on the on position, and won't recycle. The plastic plug tied to the boiler melted, and when the machine is on there is heat emanating from this plug (boiler).

Other info:
The machine has been plumbed (for at least 7 months). And my water is relatively soft (about 50-60ppm). I have never descaled the machine, but the coffee taste good.

Any help getting my machine restore to service would be greatly appreciated. I hope I don't have to live on the french press for too long.

Attached files

image image image image image


  • hi alex

    I'm busy just now, but wanted to get you a reply so you know i have seen your post

    it will need a new pressure switch to solve the problem

    the discolouration on the Gicar happens on all of them because of the material they use for their labels

    if you can wait for 24 hours i will look up the serial number of your machine and check it against the build file that the manufacturer holds and then i will be able to advise if any other parts should be changed at the same time so you have the latest configuration

    kind regards

  • hi alex

    i have your order down as being received on 23-Feb 2013 - i didn't realise it was that long ago

    given that is the case i would recommend you also upgrade to the latest 120V element, the thermal fuse, mounting rod for the fuse, and the on/off switch, all of which are available in our webstore

    i will send you instructions on how to fit these items and will be available on Skype or FaceTime to step you through the installation of these parts - it isn't difficult but it is helpful to have someone step you through it

    you will need a 38mm socket to get the old element out and fit the new one - if you do not have one of these it is also available in our webstore, complete with adaptor as i think it runs on a 3/4" drive which is bigger than most people have for a socket set at home so the adaptor drops it down to a 3/8" drive

    kind regards

  • Reiss
    I appreciate the fast response. I will order and update all the parts as recommended.
  • Reiss,
    Can you please confirm I have the right parts.
    - 120V/1400W immersion element for the LONDINIUM I
    - 30 amp Sirai pressure switch
    - Brass mounting rod for high temperature limit stat/thermal fuse for heating element
    - 20 amp on/off metal toggle switch
    - High temperature limit stat (is this the thermal fuse?)
    - L1 element gasket
  • hello

    yes, you have the correct parts

    note that you will need a 38mm socket to get the old element out and the new one back in

    this size of socket is not always readily available locally, so that is also available in our webstore if you need it, along with a drive adaptor to allow the socket to be used on a 3/8" drive instead of 3/4"

    kind regards

  • Order placed. Did not order the tool attachment, as I have access to a 38mm deep socket.
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