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240v L1 on 120v outlet, transformed to 240v

I'm moving from the UK to Canada, and I have a big heavy duty transformer to convert 120v to 240v.
I believe it is sufficient to cover the wattage of the L1.

My only concern is that the L1 pump, since motors depend on mains frequency, might suffer or not work with 60Hz. I have seen that the pump can be replaced...

Any recommendations on this? I don't really want to get rid of the L1. I don't want to get rid of it at all, actually :D


  • hi alejandro

    electric motors up to about 1HP can run fine on 50Hz or 60Hz, especially for the application in which we are using it - just to push some water water into the boiler at low pressure (voltage is obviously important though)

    kind regards

  • Okay, super! I'll miss my L1 while it takes the 3-month slow-boat to get there, but I'll happily ship it and keep it.
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