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Lever catch hints

After MUCH struggle getting a high lever catch on my L1 after replacing the piston seals, I have learned a few valuable lessons I'd like to share.
1) It is VERY important to have adequate Loxeal in the piston sleeve. I realize there is a concern about fouling the shower screen with too much. But if you use too little, the piston will never catch properly. If you watch the video posted by Reiss regarding seal changes, you will see that he applies 3 separate blobs of about 2-3 ml each to the sleeve. I have found that to be critical.
2)Lowering the lever SLOWLY, to a 4-5 count seems to help a great deal in assuring lower lever catch.
3)Letting the lever UP rather quickly helps as well. It seems to encourage the seal to "flare" as it is released.
After numerous sets of seals, and many many frustrating failures, these tactics seem to have solved the problem. In retrospect, I think that high lever-catch is seldom due to a problem with the seals themselves, and MUCH more often related to inadequate Loxeal and improper lever technique. I'd love to hear if this is helpful to others who have experienced the same frustrations.


  • Thanks Mark for this write-up. The relatively swift release is a new one for me which I will keep in mind when I handle an L1 again. I did notice that the last two times that I did, it took a few shots before I got 'the feel' for it again, having been spoiled with the robust ease of the L1-P.
  • hi mark

    thank you for taking the time to post

    yes, as long as you pump the lever say 30 times and then wipe off all the grease that has been pushed to the bottom of the sleeve prior to fitting the shower screen there is no downside to using too much grease

    i agree with your other observations too

    kind regards

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