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Coffe Roasters in Portland, OR

Hi All,

My wife is hanging out with some girlfriends in Portland, Oregon this weekend and offered to bring back some coffee. I've heard great things about the Portland coffee scene but haven't had a chance to experience much myself. Any tips on roasters she should hit up?

Thanks in advance for the advice!



  • thanks for posting jon. i don't have the answer but i am sure some people here will. kind regards, reiss.
  • Just came back from Oregon myself, and while we were mostly in Bend, we did fly in and out of Portland. Made a few stops specifically for coffee. This is a short list of some of the places I'd visit again:

    1. Spella - tiny shop, definitely felt as if I was back in Italy. Three group lever.
    2. Coava
    3. Case Study - in Rose City
    4. Heart

    There are so many more, it's almost insane. As I said, our time was limited, so I'll only list the ones above as I can speak to their quality.
  • I really want to visit bend on our trip but it's just too far out of our way along the coast road, bummer, and we don't have time for Portland, hopefully there's some good roasters in Seattle

    Should be able to visit Sacramento to visit Reiss' friend on Saturday
  • James,

    Let me simply say this: it was our first trip to Bend (combination vacation/bicycle race), and it is now on our (very) short list of places to move. My wife will be retiring next year, so we are hunting for a home. Trying to come up with things we didn't enjoy about Bend, and frankly having a hard time.

  • Oh wow, okay I need to convince the missus, I might have to ply some vino into her :)
  • Haha! I will say, it's probably not for everyone, but it checked off most of the boxes I care about.

    And they were serious about their coffee. Refreshing change from what I'm used to seeing.
  • So we would have to give up visiting the stretch between eureka to Newport
    We'd go from Redding up to Bend then to Newport and up the coast to cannon beach and Seattle

    Is it worth it?

    We love coffee, cycling and breweries/cider is etc, but would only be able to do 1 or 2 nights and with a 2 year old in tow, so probably no bike riding

  • Tough for me to say. We had been to Portland before, but haven't visited any of those other areas. This trip was mostly about my race, so Bend was the focus. My son is 6, and he had a great time. My wife took him up the chairlift on Mt. Bachelor, and he was excited to play in the snow. Although he's been skiing many times, he was smaller and doesn't remember as well. Snow is not something we get much of here in Hawaii!
  • So you want to retire to there from Hawaii. That says something:)
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