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Descaling My Londinium 1

Should your element need removing, see Reiss' video in the Permanent file. When the element is removed you will see the true condition of your boiler. Mine was ugly and it was my fault. Don't assume that your water will not cause scale. Test it.

You can effectively de-scale an L 1 boiler only after removing it from the chassis. In other words do a 'proper job'. To do this you must disconnect everything connected to the boiler. If you don't feel you can do this, don't. Ask for help. Tap the wrench with a hammer to break the seals on the nuts. If a nut is stuck on the pipe, further turning will twist the pipe. I did this. New part. You will need to loosen the other end of some pipes to move them out of the way. Work slowly and think before applying massive force. Remove boiler. Use this opportunity to clean out the crud which will have accumulated inside your machine.

Submerge the boiler in a solution of hot water and citric acid powder turning to make sure that any air bubbles are out. I left it for 24 hours. Agitate often. Opinions vary but I used 90 grams of citric acid in 8 litres of water.

When it looks clean take it out and rinse it thoroughly in water. A lot of crap will emerge from the boiler. Get it all out.

Polish the boiler and it will look nice for a while. WhiIe you are at it polish the pipes. I used Happich Simichrome Polish. Other brass polishes would do as well...


Re-assemble being very careful not to break, bend or otherwise screw anything up. If you are experienced with tools you will feel the difference between 'tight enough' and 'screwed'. Remember to tighten the other end of the tubes on which you loosened the other end.


Check your work.

Spark it up and stand well back. When (if) it comes up to pressure it will leak somewhere. Adjust as necessary.

Make coffee.

Attached files

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  • Hi Ron

    Thank you so much for taking the time to document and then post this, much appreciated.

  • That is a BEAUTIFUL posting! Down to earth and intelligent. Thanks for sharing.
  • Excellent advice here and something I plan to do once the parts breakdown is up and the new pump is available. Mine is overdue for it I think as I noticed some scale build up a few months back when I was chasing a leak.

  • Ron, were there any signs of scale around the steam tip that might have given a clue as to the condition inside the boiler?
  • No, none at all
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