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A new home for the L2

We knew we were moving when I first bought the L2 from Reiss, so it was never really set up properly at our then house. Finally we have moved into a place we plan to be for a decent stretch and the time came to give the Londinium a permanent place. I plumbed her in yesterday and the electrician came today to complete the install - with a dedicated line back to the board.

We have been drinking instant (God save us) for the last while, but last week my other half bought some French press grind out of desperation for something that resembled real coffee. There was a half a bag of this average stuff left, and I had no beans to play with this afternoon, so I ran it down to an espresso grind in my old rock-crusher. I figured it would be ok for a function-test for the L2.

A few hours later the electrician had left and the Londinium was heated up, so I ran a shot using this muck. It was old, I had no idea what the grinder was doing, not to mention the L2, so it was always destined for the sink... but...

I poured the shot... there was no crema (no surprises there!) and it ran pretty fast. Overall it looked dreadful, as I expected. I was about to tip it down the drain, but decided to have a quick taste for the helluvit.

Blang! This rediculous shot was pure syrup! Full of chocolate and fudge, with about a 1/4 acid that set it off beautifully. There was a range of flavours that hit, then blended into a surprisingly wonderful espresso. I was floored! I'd spent the summer at my brother-in-law's place trying to get close to this sort of shot using well-known, fresh beans from his La Cimbali commercial machine, and not coming close.. I drew another and another before running out.... I had to go for a drive!

I stopped in at Ebony Coffee Roasters in town and chose a bag of their 'Casa' blend, an award winning combo that promised to deliver, according the staff. Before leaving I checked out their new EK43 that had arrived this very day - and compared it to the 20-year-old version of the same it was replacing... jealous much?

Anyhow, back at home and the grinder quickly dialed in, I dosed 17g in my VST basket and pulled the shot at 25g. I felt like I had been booted in the mouth, in a good way! This darker roast was giving and giving, starting with masive, intense roast flavours, rounding out to a mellower, yet still boisterous finish. I can honestly say I don't think I have ever experienced such intesity without suffering somewhere along the way. This was a hugely tasty espresso without a down side... I'm looking forward to tomorrow morning, but in the same breath looking forward to next week, when I will try a bag of something different.

Loving being back on the Londinium train - its been a tough few months without her! The new setting is much more suitable, with chlorine-free artesian water as a source, and a place within our kitchen to sit. Excited to see where the voyage takes us - all roads lead to Londinium!


  • hi cade

    thank you for taking the time to post, it is good to hear from you again - it looks like you are settling in post move and getting good results from your L2

    drop in next time you are passing through auckland - might have some new toys to show you

    kind regards

  • Thanks Reiss - new toys.... intriguing! Will definitely stop in.

    Had more of a play with these Ebony beans this morning. I think its fair to say that amount of flavour I am able to extract with the L2 is unequaled by other machines I have owned and worked with.

    It is really nice to have the ability now to invistigate the lighter roasted blends and SO beans, with the L2 dragging so much out of these as to be quite a game-changer for my espresso journey. Playing around over summer with the Londinium SO beans on a regular pump machine just didn't quite do these lighter roasts justice, Reiss - and I look forward to placing another order soon. Man it's great to have the lever machine set up again!

    My methods are changing a bit to, having set aside a convex 58mm for a snugger fitting flat unit I machined myself from Delrin. This has had a positive effect on the way the water interacts with the VST basket and the extractions seem more consistent across time and even dispersion over the screen. Pucks are more biscuit-like, without damp spots. I might just have to shell out and get a proper button tamper...

    I had my first ever thermosiphon stall today. Our water system is prone to air incursion - doubtless this was the cause. I noticed that there seemed to be no line pressure when I pulled the lever down on a shot - the lever didn't grab at all either (fortunately I had a good grip on it). I managed to restart the siphon with a second pull on the lever, but even then I felt it wasn't working properly. After I ran the shot (which was fine, but low in total volume) I gave the group a purge and sure enough managed to get it to belch out a mouthful of air. Problem solved. Next shot ran as normal. I have hot to work on our water system, which is currently shared with the adjacent farm to prevent this from happening again.

    So still a happy camper, very glad to have the L2 in my life. Incidentally, considering it is not small compared to a regular domestic machine, it really blends in at home and is actually quite innocuous. I think all the shiny flat surfaces probably make a bit 'invisible' if you catch my drift. Anyway the family all love having it in the house. Happy days.
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