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New machine bad shots lesson learned

New machine lesson.
After a few weeks of regular use, the shots were turning nasty. Like, really not good but I couldn't put a finger on it.
Same grind, dose, weight, time...all of that but nearly every one was a sink shot.


Then I remembered how much grease I put on the piston and wondered if that could be a factor.

I dropped the shower screen and, sure enough, it was loaded up with emulsified silicon grease that had turned black.
Quite a bit of the screen was blocked too.

I pulled the piston out, wiped everything down, cleaned the screen (no easy task) and put it back together with a film of grease.

First shot after was a winner!

Thought I'd pass that along.


  • excellent post. there simply aren't that many things that can go wrong with these machines

    if i might add two comments that i have changed my position on;

    1. i no longer grease the portafilter seal before i install it

    2. when putting the top panel back on the L1 i now fit the rear panel pins (behind the water tank) first (taking care to ensure the capping folds on the top panel are lying on the inside edge of the black water box), and then the two panels pins at the front second, taking care to ensure that the front capping on the top panel is lying in front of the top edge of the front panel before pushing down or it will end badly
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