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Pre-Infusion & Pulling Technique

Pardon me if this has been discussed previously...

Nick aka nickw on HB, apart of a 'lever pressure profiling' thread started on HB by Dominick aka dominico mentioned a technique I was previously unfamiliar with and after pulling shots this way the past 2-mornings am happy to have another useful tool in the toolbox!

I grind finer than any other pulling technique I've used...and slowly pull the lever down, during the PI phase, only far enough to let water into the group and hold the lever fixed at that position for 10-15 seconds before slowly releasing the lever to push the brew water through the puck.

Apparently this method takes the compression effect out of the air column above the puck/pre-infusion process and directs it more efficiently to the puck itself.

Curious to hear other's comments who have deployed this technique.

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