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Londinium Cups

I have seen a few pictures of Londinium cups and am wondering if there are plans to make them available for purchase. Are there any plans to sell other Londinium merchandise and accessories?

I am a proud new owner of a L1 and would love to add a piece here or there.


  • ha! yes, the million dollar question. basically the situation is i have some Ancap cups left and I'm pondering of whether i take the plunge and order some more (i don't make money out of these cups, thats for sure, they are purely a branding exercise)

    but I'm willing to sell you a pair if you like (2 espresso cups & 2 saucers) - i can raise a manual invoice if you like

    kind regards

  • Yes, 2 espresso cups and saucers would be wonderful. Do you also have cappuccino or latte sized cups?
  • hi marc
    we've done them in the past, 200mL and 350mL if i recall, but they are all long gone
    going forward i think we will probably offer just a 150mL size, which produces a good strong flat white as people can't put too much milk in it, and they also work well with espresso as they give a bit more surface area for the aromas to come off, relative to an espresso cup
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