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E61 Portafiler

Just a quick question, will and standard E61 portafilter fit the L1?

Thanks Matt


  • I'm not sure that all E61 groups are identical but I have two portafilters with pressure gauge, made for the E61 and they fit my Londinium group. The difference is the handle does not lock at the same place, it points a little to the right when locked in.
  • Thanks Frans,

    I was considering buying one from here, as its a fair bit cheaper than the one directly from Londinium. but don't want to end up with something that doesn't fit.
  • Hi Matt, I'm not sure I understand completely. If you have / buy a Londinium, then you get a portafilter included in the package don't you? Do you want an extra portafilter? The material (brass, chrome, wood or plastic/rubber) and finish can be very different from a different make and if the portafilter handle always sticks out in a different direction, that might in the long run make you want to get the right one after all. A portafilter life is so long, considering the price difference over all the years you use it and the value it retains, it seems less essential, to me.
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