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Searching for a Heart of Gold....

I have been thinking lately about what it is that makes hobby and I think it has to be more than something you just do - there has got to be some serious connection there, otherwise we are just talking about a pass-time. A real hobby is surely a passion - something that finds its way into all of your senses, occupying your mind and your imagination and carrying you off to that place where stress is so displaced that for a time it is non-existent.

One of my hobbies is coffee. And why wouldn't it be? It meets all the requirements by encompassing aspects of history and culture, sciences like agriculture, engineering, human endeavour, and of course reaching into the esoteric world of 'taste'. There is much to think on and consider - I could branch off down any avenue of the production, processing or consumption of coffee and be lost for weeks - years.

It has been interesting to bring have bought the L2 into my life. It is on this machine that all facets of this amazing hobby come together in one box, connect to my arm and fuse into the net result of such vast human undertaking. My friends don't see this, necessarily - yet they hear it when they start their Harleys, or fire up their V8's. They taste it when they bring over an expensive single malt or cognac. Everyone has a different idea of value.

I have found value in a stunning piece of engineering - a piece which I get to use every day, and which brings such utter enjoyment every time I involve myself with it. It is a work of art in the same breath, and for a breath it makes art too - before I clean it down and pull myself away from it, trying desperately to forget that it is there, ready and waiting, to connect me once again...


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