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Any items to accompany an L1 purchase?

I'm 99.9% on a L1 as my first espresso machine to use with an HG One I acquired about 3 months ago. The L1 is the conclusion of my search for simplicity meets quality, while taking practicality and some sensibility into consideration. Basically I think the L1 is the most bang for your buck on the market, sort of how I consider the HG One.

Is there anything recommended to be purchased while purchasing the L1, such as a different wand tip? I'm planning to use the naked portafilter that comes with it, and am thinking of getting a Londinium tamp too.


  • An extra set of group seals and a packet of basket-to-group seals are handy to have around. Also, I've settled on the two-hole steam tip as I steam very small quantities of milk, circa 80ml. The four-hole tips are too fast for me.

  • Sounds like you have a good grinder already, and probably a source for recently roasted beans.

    I'd say consumables just as Matt mentions. As you mentioned, the tamp if you don't have a decent one already. That lube for the piston seals would be a good idea. Then there's the bee's wax sealer for the wood on the machine.

    You could get a spouted PF and a spare basket while you're at it. The spouts are nice if you are splitting shots but not necessary if you're not planning on it. Baskets can be bought just about anywhere and the one you get with the machine will last for plenty of time but it's nice to have a spare on hand.

    Water- what are you doing for water?

    How about some nice LED lights for your coffee area?
  • thank you matthew and richard for your suggestions.

    thank you for your enquiry ryan

    kind regards

  • Thank you for your replies, and Reiss buying from you will be a pleasure.

    For water, I live in Portland, so I'm hoping I can use the water out of the tap. I don't think I'll have scaling issues, but maybe I should verify that.
  • limescale is a bit like toothache, you'll know if you've got it

    if you have an electric jug/kettle it will have limescale deposits on the element, assuming it has an exposed element

    on hot taps and shower fittings you will also see limescale deposits

    but yes, for peace of mind it can be useful to measure it and know exactly how hard your water is

    in some places the water can be too soft, and this is equally problematic, with the water level sensor becoming unreliable and the potential for the water to become mildly acidic and slowly eat away at the boiler

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