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Fellini Move


I haven't been here in so long, but it looks like everyone is still having a lot of fun.

I'm loving the L1, it was scary at first, but I feel very comfortable with it and my extractions are pretty good!

That being said, I feel like some of the most advanced people on here might be open to a challenge that I'm a bit intimidated about....


I'm thinking that this thread would be great to see people's results from the Fellini move if possible with the L1 or other L machines.

I've been using a single very slow pull and release technique over the past year, but I'm curious to see if anyone really can utilize this technique or maybe it's just one of those things that doesn't have much bearing?

Also, can using this move mess up the boiler in regards to it possibly pulling some of the coffee residue into it?

B) Joe


  • Hey Joe,

    That's what I have been using lately but never knew it had a name!

    I don't know exactly what it's doing to the puck if anything but providing you have the grind and tamp right to get a good flow when you finally release the handle, it does seem to lower the catch point a little.

    David Hyde has a YouTube video demonstrating this technique

  • hi joe, welcome back

    you won't suck coffee into the boiler, you'll be fine

    just do one iteration though, not up and down, up and down, up and down repeatedly

    kind regards

  • What might one achieve with such a move? At a guess: a larger shot volume? A double hump pressure profile? Some videos of this is action would be great
  • I found the david hyde vid on youtube. Pretty impressive, 20g in and 50g out. That's pretty huge. I was surprised how aggressive the pull looked and I've never got very good shots pulling down that fast.

    Anyway, hopefully this post will help others in the future.

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