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L1 does not Heat up

Hi There,

I have had a Londinum 1 for around a year now and had absolutely no problems until today when I cam to switch it on and found that the light comes on but the pump does not switch on and the machine does not heat up??

I would be grateful for some advice.




  • Hi Matt

    It's important to know the logical sequence of the ECU

    It is fill, then heat

    If it doesn't think it is full it won't heat

    So we know it is receiving power (white light), but does the blue light come on?

    Until we know that the machine thinks the boiler is full it is premature to think there is a problem with the element

    That said it is worth checking that the thermal fuse on the end of the element hasn't popped out
  • Hi Reiss,

    Thanks for the advice, having used the L1 for several years now I have got used to its audio warning and auto switch off once the tank runs out of water. I normally simply switch off the L1 refill the tank and switch it back on again, and the pump kicks in and refills and away it goes.

    When I switched the L1 on this afternoon there was no audible warning to indicate it was low on water, so I went away assuming it would heat up as normal, then came back an hour or so later to find it was still cold, but the white power light was on.

    I then checked the tank and realised there was no water left, switched it off, refilled with water, switched back on and nothing happened. Then panicked, I then switched the L1 on and off several more times before posting on the forum.

    I went back a while later and tried switching on and this time the pump kicked in and the L1 began to heat up, so I'm hoping this was just a one off. But it's normally how the machine behaves.

    Can you just confirm that way my operating the machine is OK? I do also have it connected to a timer which switches on and off first thing in the morning, but I assume there's no reason this would cause any problems?

    Thanks as always, Matt
  • Best practice would be to build a refill step into your daily routine

    The alarm is the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff to stop you cooking elements
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