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Removing the water tank....

My L1 just arrived and Ibe followed the instructions to the letter. Just need to take tank out and fit the filter but how's it done? I took the top panel off but it still feels secured somehow. Any clues?



  • The tank can sit pretty snug, I understand. I remember there's been an exact same question & answer in the early forum days.

    Best shot is to book a FaceTime session with Reiss and you'll be in your way smoothly without further ado.
  • Push your fingers in behind the water box on both of the long sides of the box and pull

    My advice however is to leave the water box alone and fill it with a jug
  • If you are a bit soft and weak like I am just grab a couple of large flat non cutting pliers, bite it in the middle of both the long sides and it will come out easily enough. I tend pull out the box once every few months or so as part of maintenance and filter change.
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