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Daily LI Cleaning

I thought I'd share my simple, quick and effective daily ritual of cleaning the group head on my LI. I've only removed the shower screen twice for cleaning in the 7-months of ownership and use; and most recently a couple days ago apart of cleaning and re-lubing the piston seals.

The shower screen was, on both occasions, 95% clean when I removed it for inspection/cleaning. I believe my daily cleaning procedure of the group head is mainly responsible for how clean the group head and screen remain.

#1) I use a Cafelat brush (here:

#2) After the last daily espresso pulled I insert the Cafelat brush into the grouphead as you would the portafilter. With the boiler at full temp & pressure I pull the LI lever down while rotating the brush left & right. I use a large latte cup to catch the dirty water.

#3) Before the pressure gauge goes to zero bar I carefully let the lever back up and wait for the LI to build pressure again.

#4) Using the portafilter and a clean basket inserted in the LI I once again pull the lever down and rotate the portafilter left/right to release/increase pressure at the group head. Once again before the pressure gauge gets to zero I carefully raise the lever. Clean the portafilter basket of any coffee grounds. NOTE: If you are coming from a pump machine you DO NOT USE A BLIND BASKET/RUBBER DISK apart of this cleaning process on the LI/lever machine!

#5) Repeat #4 one more time and the water runs 99% clear.

This process takes less than 5-minutes each day but has proven to keep the group head and shower screen clean and thereby reducing the frequency of needing to remove the shower screen for a clean and soak in cleaner.

Hope this helps you.



  • Thanks for letting us in on that nifty brush!
  • Dan:

    I have seen those brushes before and wondered if they really worked. Thanks you!

  • I have seen the Cafelat grouphead brush recommended by Reiss and others on the forum so I thought I'd get one and try it out.

    It's well worth the investment if you haven't already got one!

  • I bought one of these the other day after the bristles on my old traditional brush fell out :(

    It was a bit tough to get it in the group (had to bend the brush halves slightly) but it cleaned the group up very nicely and very quickly.

    Definitely recommended.
  • I find that it is helpful to rinse the brush well before use and rinse a few times before the last wipe with it.
  • ironically i am very much looking to learn of a better way to clean the piston with less hassle

    very keen to hear from someone who has refined the process to a fine art as i certainly dont feel like I've optimised it yet

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