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Baskets that fit the Londinium PFs

I tried several baskets for S&G today and thought I'd pass on the results in case it helps anyone.

The largest basket that I had to try was a 'triple' basket from a Nuova Simonelli. The depth of that basket was roughly 1" or 2.54cm. With my espresso it dosed 20.5gm with a couple mm of space between between the top of a compressed puck and the screen. I used an American dime to check the space.

An 18g VST basket fit roughly 16gm comfortably.

For comparison the stock basket fits about 15.5g of my espresso.

So anyone worried about deep, straight walled baskets - you're probably okay. These pix are with the triple basket. The last pict shows how much deeper the triple basket is as it sits next to the stock basket from the L-II (which I'm sure is the same as the other Londiniums).

Another side note- After a 7 second PI at 3.3bar the L II easily pushed 60g of water through a 20.5g puck before before it ran out of spring. Generally I shoot for 1:2 ratio, so a 41g shot from that much espresso.

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