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Difference between L1 and L1-P
I am a causal drinker of espresso based coffee and I currently own a L1.
I am also a causal reader of this forum and do not browse other coffee forums, unless a link is provided in this forum. So my knowledge about machines and beans are limited to what the end result tastes like.
I have come across reference in this forum where it states that the shots from a L1-P is superior to a L1. Why is this so? And if the L1 was plumbed in, would this still be true?
I am also a causal reader of this forum and do not browse other coffee forums, unless a link is provided in this forum. So my knowledge about machines and beans are limited to what the end result tastes like.
I have come across reference in this forum where it states that the shots from a L1-P is superior to a L1. Why is this so? And if the L1 was plumbed in, would this still be true?
the difference is down to the higher, but not too high, pre-infusion pressure
it matters less for darker roasts, but for light roasts it really helps bring more body to the cup without losing the complexity
I've held off releasing the L1-P because of the potential for it to send mixed messages to the market, but in reality they are pitched at quite different needs
the introduction of the L1-P doesnt of course suddenly make the L1 pull worse shots of coffee, but the vast majority of the machines i have sold are one group machines, so it was slightly perverse to be denying our core customer base the opportunity to purchase the best single group design that we are capable of delivering
so while the L1-P ultimately delivers a better result that the L1, it costs one thousand pounds more, takes up more space, must be plumbed in, and can not be hot flushed to deliver a shot in 12 minutes
if you are a casual drinker of espresso coffee i couldn't recommend to you in good faith that you need to upgrade to an L1-P. but if you are fanatical about your espresso and want the very best taste in the cup, then we need to meet the needs of those customers too as i intend to retain them
in this way i hope to offer a number of lever machines to meet the differing needs in the market. so don't be surprised if you see something quite different again from us in 2016
How long does it take from cold machine turn on to stable operating temperature for first shot?
yes, you can try and force the issue by carefully running repeated slow, low volume flushes, but to my mind it seems more clear cut and professional to simply issue a clear directive; one hour to warm up - put it on a digital timer, problem solved
Hi Reiss, Can I plumb in The LI to get the same result as LI-P? Because I like to change my coffee beans time to time ( Sometime Bright Light roast, sometime Dark roast )
Thank you
i don't see how the L1P offers an advantage over the L1 with respect to dark or light roasts
i think the L1P handles large doses better than the L1
Kfir from Israel wrote:
I found that the softer profile of a classic lever works better (much better) with light roasted beans.
Darker roasts are less good and this is my base coffee consumption for most part, the light roasted beans were a nice experiment but I love those thick full bodied caramel shots.
It's not like the regular L1 gave a bad shot with dark roasted beans but a pump machine gave it a better body and more thick texture.
The L1-P combines the delecate lever notes with a thick mouth feel.
the L1-P is superior to the L1 in every respect as far as performance in the cup goes, and for that reason i have no hesitation in underwriting any existing L1 owner who upgrades to an L1-P against disappointment
the issue is that most people are either unwilling or unable to plumb in at home, so the L1P will never sell in the numbers that the L1 sells in
for this reason we are currently working on the L1S, which i hope to release to market this year
Will the L1S be completely different from the L1 or it will be possible to buy some upgrade kit?