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When do I clean the portafilter?

It's been a busy year, and I just opened my PF for the first time to find *GASP* a lot of crusty build-up! I'm both ashamed and amused to share this picture with you.

I assume I should not let it get this way? When and how should I clean it?

I haven't exactly been following the HB espresso cleaning schedule.



  • Ew.

    I've seen worse :)

    We used to use a milk pitcher that was big enough to stand the PF on it's head, fill it with hot water and a 1/4tsp of chemical used to backflush and let them sit over night, once a week. The caveat is - Don't let the water hit the handle, even with the plastic handles on our PFs we were careful. You can soak the basket in the same solution if you have room.

    The chemical cleaner goes by several names, Cafiza, Cafetto... I think. Since you don't back flush a Londinium you might not own any!
  • yes, pick up a bottle of any of those proprietary coffee cleaners - get some with some sodium hydroxide in it if you want to make the job easy

    personally i just make up a strong solution in the sink, then rinse a sponge in it and wipe the portafilter with the sponge, squeeze out the sponge in the solution frequently and just keep wiping - it should fall off

    i think it goes without saying, don't use any abrasive cloth like scotchbrite

    if you have Cif/Jif cream in the house and don't want to make a trip out that works well for the body of the portafilter, but not ideal for cleaning the holes in the basket - you really need to stand the basket in the solution for a while so it dissolves the coffee residue - then when rinsing the basket hold it up to the light to check that each hole is open

    don't try to clear the holes in the basket mechanically, i.e. with some kind of pin as if you change the size or shape of the holes you will impair the performance of the basket

    rinse the portafilter thoroughly in water when you are finished

    if you are being sensible wear gloves
  • WOW1 And to think that you were drinking the stuff running though that thing. I bet the flavors were pretty bad!
  • WOW1 And to think that you were drinking the stuff running though that thing. I bet the flavors were pretty bad!

    It can be hard to tell when you haven't experienced what you are missing for a while.
  • Yet another plus for bottomless portafilter handles.

    I soak the basket in Cafiza at the end of every weekend when I (regretfully) turn the L1 off until the next weekend. I do the handle every couple of weeks and the screen about once a month, all based on my usage level.
  • I almost always basket dose just because it is neater/less mess from either the grinder and/or the water flying about my baristi area :-)

    I also use Calfiza and sometimes Joe Glo which is similar stuff. Since I have 2 sets of baskets I can boil water, or out of the new L1-P boiler, and be soaking a set of baskets while I use the others. I seem only to think about the baskets and their cleanliness when I am pulling shots, so my routine works for me and I get the morning shots and the baskets cleaned at the same time.

    The level of roast of the beans, their grind setting, and I suspect the age of the beans, all have something to do with how they end up on metal. In the end I go by taste and appearance (looking through the clean set of baskets which is the spare set) and comparing it to the holes of the basket in use.
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