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Dewy's LONDINIUM 1 experience

This afternoon I visited Dewy, a new L1 owner. He visited me two weeks ago to get an idea of what the L1 has to offer and on getting home he promptly ordered one ;-)

He has filmed "my" complete workflow, from grinding to espresso to cappuccino and I have taken pictures of his routine (see below).

I noticed that the water from his shower screen leaned in one direction and after taking out the screen, cleaning it (there was some excess grease that he had swiped in the bore) and re-inserting it, the flow was completely even. This did not make a noticeable difference in the extraction but it's good to have it right all the same.

15 grams of grinds in the OEM basket, 25g of espresso in 25 seconds, looking good!










  • The leg end that is the L1 is spreading far and wide, like an epidemic.... :)

    Is this another one for Amsterdam Frans?
  • This one is not far from Amsterdam, 50 minutes drive to the south west
  • Nice, what scale is that?
  • It's an Acaia scale for coffee. There are matching apps for the iPhone & iPad to operate the scale remotely and save profiles / brew prints etc and they are also producing an app especially dedicated to espresso.

    [video width=425 height=344 type=vimeo]96690855
  • a big thank you again frans, and for dewy being interested enough to want to spend time on it

    thank you both

    thoughts on the Acaia Frans? I was a backer then cancelled it as i got sick of the emails asking if i thought it should be baby pink or perlescent or some other daft thing

    if you think its a really good product and is resistant to have coffee grounds spilt on it and espresso dumped on it i'll get one

    if you think its a gimmick thats ok too

    kind regards

  • I love the Acaia. The new upcoming app especially for espresso will make it even better but as it is, I find it a wonderful tool to have exact time/weight measurements and (if desired) a graph showing that flow.

    Being able to exactly measure filling a filter basket or with the same ease a complete portafilter plus filter basket, is very convenient.

    On the Rocket, the tray is not big enough to facilitate the Acaia right away but the L1 tray is exactly the right size.

    In my experience, the support people are quick to respond if I have any questions.

    The top is fairly hard and easy to clean but I suspect over time, the shiny top will have tiny scratches from the cups so the rubber strip to put on it can be convenient (even though I forget that and leave it off for pictures).
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