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Londinium L1 (2012-16) second hand or Londinium R
Hi, I am based in Germany and using a LM GS3MP. Before that time I had a Bosco Sorrento with two groups and a Fatma Lambro.
Now I am thinking about the old L1 or the R.
It seems it is hard to get the old L1.
My question is, if it is possible to remove the pump from the case of the Londinium R and install it in the room beside my kitchen, because of no noise and plumb it to the main water supply?
Sorry, my english is not the best, but I hope you understand what I want to do.
Kind regards
Now I am thinking about the old L1 or the R.
It seems it is hard to get the old L1.
My question is, if it is possible to remove the pump from the case of the Londinium R and install it in the room beside my kitchen, because of no noise and plumb it to the main water supply?
Sorry, my english is not the best, but I hope you understand what I want to do.
Kind regards
if you have the skills you can do whatsoever you please with any of our machines, but with the proviso that it isnt something we provide support or warranty for; it is simply too difficult to support non standard configurations remotely
kind regards
thanks for the infos.
The plumbing kit you are offering, is it for the R?
Thanks and kind rgds.
the plumbing kit is something we developed for the L1(2012-16)
whilst it 'fits' the LR i think it is a bit of a nonsense to fit it as you are largely destroying the value in the LR (which is to achieve what the L1/2/3 offers but without the need to plumb in), and the LR is much closer in price to the L1 once you add the price of the plumbing kit than the L1(2012-16) because of the rotary pump and digital pre-infusion control
personally i would be looking for an L1 (originally sold as the L1-P) if i were you
kind regards
the width of the LR is unchanged from the L1(2012-16) from memory - if it did change it would be by less than 10mm
the dimensions are here;
kind regards
thanks a lot for your help.
The old L1 and the R will fit beside my GS3.
In the past I was using Bosco 1group, Bosco 2group, it just looks far better:)
and a Faema Lambro.
For the future is left with QM, i don't like
Izzo Pompei, too big
Izzo Alex, for me it is ugly
So is left with the old L! or the R.
The only problem, I have to save some coins till end of the year.:(
Kind regards
the reason for this is not just the vastly elevated brew temperature profile (all points on the curve), but also the elevated pre-infusion pressure is the magic that gives ultra light roasts body that you will never achieve with a dipper architecture
izzo weld the group sleeve in, and while it isnt an issue with domestic usage, if you wear it out in a commercial setting you'll need a new group instead of a new sleeve
bosco idle cold because the group is not mounted on the boiler as it is with a conventional dipper design - they do this to stop the group overheating when back to back shots are pulled all day long, as they are in napoli its home market, and when used in that environment the design is effective. for a low throughput environment you will be flushing it hot every time before you use it to bring the group up to temperature
kind regards