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Compressa to L/R to Digital pre-infusion

Hi all,

has anyone got a circuit diagram of the R version (crude/homebrew/sketch/other) that they can send me please.

I want to fit a 240v motor (available in the store), maybe a water tank (although i'll see if i can get round this and stick with "plumbed") and thereby turn my Compressa into the L/R (pump version).

The p-stat and the Gicar (from what i can see/read) are the same so there shouldn't be any problems there....i won't need the BLUE relay (+orange relay) module as this won't be necessary as once i have my machine converted into an L/R then i can purchase the "Digital Pre-Infusion kit" (avaialable from the store) and thereby turn it (L/R ) into the "Wi-Fi" version as this can be retro-fitted to the R voila.

A long winded way of doing things but hey ho...nothing ventured, nothing gained.

I used to teach electronics at the local college pre-Corona so it will be a walk in the park for me so to speak....i just need the relevant "wiring" layout that the PUMP L1 or L/R 240v type machines have.

Many thanks in advance.


  • edited October 2020

    So after carefully watching Frans video (Londinium-R digital pre-infusion module) showing the kit that you can buy to make a Londinium R into a digitally pre-infused model.

    So far i can see that ONE of the 3 wires is RED and comes from Sirai ....but "which one" as there is 2 and a loop ??

    The 2nd of the 3 wires is a BLUE wire that comes from the relay module (that i don't have)....but "where does THIS wire go to" ??

    The 3rd of the 3 wires is an ORANGE wire that comes FROM the "mechanical type" (Mater Pressure switch).....but "where does this wire go to" ??

    ALL 3 of these wires go into the choc-blok-connector of the digi-module....and the other connector/plug is a digital transducer that REPLACES the Mater switch/tube assy.

    i can see that this Brown wire is "pggy-backed" (parallel in electronics) to the F1 (on Gicar unit) Red (or is it Pink) wire.

    The 240v motor that i will purchase from this store has 4 wires....the 2 brown wires i can see goto a capacitor and the other two are a BLACK wire and a WHITE (or is it GREY).....the BLACK wire i can see is connected to an ORANGE wire (2 orange wires on same end of connector) i have these orange wire/s and if so is it the same one from the Mater switch or not ?? ...not a real worry as they are "taped up" (not used) in the video........and where does the WHITE (GREY) wire go to ?? ...i can see a BLUE wire connected to what i assume is the white/grey wire that shares same wiring LOOM of the motors black i correct/wrong ??

    So in a nutshell I can see that the black motor wire connects (later on) to the PURPLE connector (from digi unit)....i can see that the Mater switch and wire is ditched and that 1 (possibly 2) Orange wire/s are also not used.

    EDIT :- ...i'd say that the Red wire and Blue wire going to the 3 connector-blok are Live (red) and Neutral (blue) to power up the module....i'd say that the orange wire is the power (Live) control for the motor FROM the new unit ...right/wrong ???

    For Reiss.....would the "EARLY MODEL LR WITH NO BLUE-ORANGE PLASTIC RELAY" module (in the store) be an EASIER option to fit ?? ...if so where can i find the "different set of installation instructions" ??

    I think i've covered it....just need some kind soul to confirm/correct what i can see from the video....or a quick wiring-sketch/diagram pleeeeeease.

    Many thanks in advance.

  • I may have not quite conveyed my intentions to readers here is what i think is the simplest way of describing what i want to do.

    1) fit the 220V/50Hz rotary pump

    2) fit Mater pressure switch and the matching pre-infusion copper tube

    3) fit the Blue and orange relay for LONDINIUM R

    4) fit the tank housing (metalwork) and plastic water tank

    5) wire it up

    at this POINT i should then have an LR....yes/no ??? (i think yes however YMMV)

    ......................................................................................................................................... that i have an LR (YMMV) i can then proceed to the next step.


    RETRO FITTING the Digital pre-infusion kit with wireless dongle available in the store.....there are 2 versions available; depending upon wether you have the LR with blue-orange plastic relay OR Early model LR with no blue-orange plastic relay


    At this point (IMO) i will have what i set out to do in my 1st post above


    HOWEVER step 5 is where i need the help of the good people on this forum to show (pics) or explain where the few wires goto in connecting up the new items in STEPS 1,2 and 3

    Please bear in mind that i won't actually be fitting the items in STEPS 2 and 3 as they are REMOVED when fitting the digi kit....why buy/fit something that i'd only be removing anyway....i hope this makes sense. This was what i tried to convey in my 1st post, my apologies to anyone reading who may have have misunderstood my meaning/wording.

  • IGNORE the second post above.


    So assuming i had an LR (version with blue/orange relay) :-

    The motor WHITE wire....where does it go to or what is it attched to ?

    The RED wire that connects to the 3-choc-blok (electrical wire connector on the digital module)....where does this go to or what is it attached to ?

    The ORANGE wire that connects to the 3-choc-blok.....where does this wire go to or what is it attached to ?

    The BLUE wire that connects to the 3-choc-blok.....where does this wire go to or what is it attached to ?

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